What’s important today
But before we get to maintenance (which will come in later newsletters), here are some resources regarding the items that I found during my inspection:
Because any roof can leak, you should monitor and maintain the condition of your roof. InterNACHI recommends that all roofs be checked periodically as part of a routine home maintenance plan. Your roof should be free of debris and the drainage be clear.
It is estimated that about 300 deaths by electrocution occur every year, so the use of ground-fault circuit interrupters, or GFCIs, has been adopted in new construction, and recommended as an upgrade in older construction, in order to mitigate the possibility of injury or fatality from electric shock.
If runoff from the roof is allowed to discharge next to the home’s foundation, serious structural problems can develop. Saturated soil can lose its ability to support the weight of the home, or seepage can undermine the foundation. The most common roof-drainage control system in residential construction is gutters hung from the roof edge attached to downspouts. The gutter problems you find may be related to the materials from which the gutters are made, the quality of installation, the environmental conditions, or some combination of all three.
There are visual clues which help to differentiate shrinkage cracks from other types of cracks that can appear in concrete slabs and foundation walls.
Environmental Concerns
Read more about the most common household and environmental hazards that may be encountered in a typical home at InterNACHI’s environmental hazards page.
Thanks again for choosing me to inspect your home! Look for the first set of home maintenance tips next month!
Mike Avelar, CPI
Avelar Home Inspection Inc.